Data sources that are set to use the Dataspace verified API tokens access control mode will in each request coming from the product gateway on the dataspace receive an API token in the X-API-Key HTTP Header.

There are two ways a data source can verify this API token:

  1. Validate the token as a JWT signed by the dataspace
  2. Use the token verification endpoint on the product gateway

Validate token as a JWT signed by the dataspace

The API token is actually a JWT token signed by the dataspace and can easily be verified using most common JWT libraries.

As an example here’s a token that has been verified and decoded using the service:


To verify the token you need to find the public keys of the dataspace. They can be found by checking the /.well-known/dataspace/dataspace-configuration.json on the base domain of the dataspace and locating the jwks_url. For example the dataspace configuration on points to

Things to ensure:

In case you want to do some more fine-grained access control to what data who has access to, you can use the sub to identify the group access was granted to.

An example implementation can be found on

Token verification API

The product gateway offers an endpoint at the path /api/v1/api-token/verify. It expects a POST request with a body of the form:

  "aud": "dpp://group:[email protected]/Weather/Current/Metric_v1.0",
  "apiToken": "eyJ..."

The aud needs to match the DSI (Data Source Identifier) of the source you are providing, the apiToken is the token from the request that you want to verify is valid for your data source.